
November 5 - 22, 2009
Opening Receptions on Thurs. November 5, 5-8pm and Friday, November
6, 6-9pm, After by Appointment
cactus bra SPACE
106 C Blue Star
San Antonio, TX 78204
exhibition Rx Garden: Sticky
Ends presents a series of sculptures that explore contemporary
issues in pharmaceutical production. The term sticky ends refers to
a practice known as gene splicing, which alters the DNA of an
organism. This process is used to grow various plant, animal and
human proteins in host crops, which is harvested and converted into
drugs. The sculptures are constructed of multiple species of tree
branches joined by synthetically colored resin; this combination of
organic and inorganic materials references the gene splicing
process. Their knot-like structures become playful interpretations
of medical models (such as Crick and Watson’s Double Helix). The
exhibition will also include several small-scale gouache on paper
‘drug portraits’ also from the Rx
Garden body of work.
special thank you to the Artist Foundation of San Antonio and
Artpace for their generous support in the creation of this body of
Halonen received a MFA in Painting in 1999 from Washington
University in Saint Louis and a BA from Kalamazoo College. Her work
has been shown in numerous exhibitions, notably at the Museum of
Fine Arts Houston, Park Project in Los Angeles, the University of
Texas in Dallas and San Antonio, and the Dallas Center for
Contemporary Art. Her work is in the permanent collection at the
Museum of Fine Arts Houston and The Museum of Southeast Texas. From
2000-2001, she was a Core Fellow at the Glassell School of Art,
Museum of Fine Arts Houston, and was recently an artist in residence
at the MacDowell Colony in New Hampshire. Halonen is an assistant
professor in the Department of Art and Art History at Trinity
University. She lives and works in both Austin and San Antonio.