Under Construction
April 6 – April 29, 2007
Opening Reception, Friday, April 6th 6-9 pm
After, open by appointment
cactus bra SPACE
106C Blue Star
San Antonio, TX 78204
O’Brien, Mayor of Grip River and an MFA student at the University
of Texas at San Antonio, encourages the public to attend a State of the Town address given at Cactus Bra Space on Friday, April
6th from 6:45 – 7:14 pm.
Mayor O’Brien will discuss previous public works, use of
building materials, the potential for town growth, and the plans for
the town’s new courthouse. Refreshments
will be served after the State
of the Town address and Mayor O’Brien will be available for
learn more about Grip River go to www.townofgripriver.com
or you can email info@townofgripriver.com